Zoom Whitening

Your lifestyle appears on your teeth; years of drinking coffee, tea, soda, or red wine, as well as smoking, can darken your teeth. Let us put the sparkle back into your smile! Zoom is an easy, non-invasive way to remove years of stain and color in about an hour.


1.5 hours

After an examination and cleaning is completed at our office, we will prepare you for a whitening procedure by having you brush with Sensodyne toothpaste for two weeks prior to the whitening. This toothpaste will help to relieve any sensitivity, which may be a short-term result of the professional whitening.

First, we'll take a photo before you start so you can see how much brighter your smile is when your treatment is done. Then, a hydrogen peroxide solution gel will be carefully and evenly applied to your teeth, taking careful precautions to avoid the gums. The solution will be left on the teeth for 15 minute intervals while we shine our WhiteSpeed blue LED lamp onto your teeth. This accelerates the whitening, plus the lamp’s variable settings ensure you’ll get a comfortable experience.

Once we’ve reached your desired shade, a relief gel will be applied to your teeth and Dr. Labib will review with you what food and beverages to stay away from for the next few days….and yes, coffee is on that list (don’t worry it’s temporary)!

Before you leave our office, you’ll receive customized whitening trays and a take home whitening kit, which is included in the price of your treatment. This way, you can top-up the brightness of your smile whenever you want to.

Brief sensitivity will occur to even the most non-sensitive people, but will not last long. Brushing with toothpastes like Sensodyne will help, as well as staying away from foods at both extremes in temperatures for the next day or two.

Get your sunglasses on! It’s time to shine!

Schedule a consultation!