With our CEREC in-house scanner and milling machine we are able to provide the most conservative ceramic restorations— full-coverage or partial coverage restorations that are used to cover a tooth that is likely to break or too damaged to be corrected with a traditional resin filling.

Traditionally, when someone is in need of a dental crown, dentists would take a putty mold for the dental lab to fabricate the crown. The patient would have to deal with the complications of a temporary crown in the meantime, and come back after the crown was made by the dental lab, which was usually in about 2-3 weeks. The dentist then had to ensure the crown fit well. This whole process took a long time.

Today, with CEREC same-day restorations, Dr. Labib is able to digitally scan and create the ceramic and have it fitted all in the same visit!


2 to 2.5 hours

First, Dr. Labib prepares your tooth for the ceramic. Then, he will use a special scanner to take several 3D images of the prepared tooth and the neighboring teeth. Unlike traditional crowns, no putty impression is needed.

With the help of the CEREC software, Dr. Labib uses the digital 3D images of your teeth to create the ceramic restoration with accuracy down to the micron! The design is edited to replicate a natural tooth with details such as indentations, ridges, pits, and fissures to make sure the restoration looks and functions the way it should.

Once the final design is ready, our milling machine carves out a replica of the design to make the ceramic restoration out of a single ceramic block. During this time, you will be free to leave the office to get a snack or just relax in the waiting room!

Once the crown is milled, Dr. Labib will bond the crown to your tooth. Finally, he will check to make sure it feels comfortable and does not interfere with your natural bite.